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Why Christian Schools Must Integrate Research In Education

Research Must Be Instituted In Biblical Based Schools

In too many cases the educational systems of Bible-based schools only engage in text book information that is related to the field of interest of field of study.  This is needful and should be a major focus in the educational systems of Bible Colleges, Institutes etc.  And yet there must be a significant approach to exposing the students of these institutions to those concepts and principles of the secular worldview on thesis of instructing students of these institutions to views in which they can view in the light of their own truths and understand why their worldview is truth.

Both the scriptural view and the view of philosophy, science and even psychology must be a part of the course of study for the following reasons:

1.  Understanding Philosophy gives the student tools by which to operate from a philosophical approach even  within the biblical point of view:

Note: Most believers mistakenly believe that the scripture has nothing to do with philosophy when philosophy is actually "The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, existence and specifically deals with an academic approach to understanding knowledge and the knowledge of those disciplines that establish a worldview.  

2.  Understanding the classic meaning of Science gives one the true meaning of the term science and what it is really about in any academic setting.  The term science comes from the term "Scientia" which refers to the pursuit of knowledge of any field of consideration.  Theological and Bible-based colleges and schools must understand that the word science is more closely related to "Epistemology" than what individuals call science today.  Even epistemology is a philosophical field of inquiry.  When I speak of philosophy I do not speak of the philosophical pandering that individuals seek to debate within their various camps of intellectualism but rather I speak of a true discussion about specific disciplines and truths that are a part of the landscape of society.  Knowledge that people have to utilize in order to function within the appropriate arenas of ministry etc.

3.  Understanding the Meaning of Psychology gives the students the capacity to view  those various mindsets that are integrated into the behavior patterns of all individuals.  Psychology refers to how individuals think and why they think a certain way as well as how they express themselves and why.  In many cases believers have taken psychology to mean a demonic mental system that has nothing to do with scripture or being a member of the body of Christ.  Psychology from the theological perspective is merely the examination and understanding of those processes and reasons why people think they way they do. 

There are many other reasons and benefits for understanding philosophy, psychology and science as well as incorporating them into an educational system from the classical and original aspect in which it was meant to be done from the very beginning.  Research provides activities wherein the knowledge and information that has been taught, learned or established can be used and the practicum set into motion.  Research forces the student and the professor to investigate and to extend their expertise into must deeper realms of understanding.  It research and serious examinations of even the biblical text that provides a greater understanding of the text from many different perspectives.  If Bible-base schools do not incorporate investigative studies for the most part the information received remains theory.  Research and investigative and comprehensive studies promotes a unique level and quality of education.  We are producing individuals with degrees but not scholars in many cases.  It is not the paper that makes the person but the person substantiates and validates the degree.

There are different types of research that can be achieved such as research using logical formulas or syllogistic logic that can quantify the logic of doctrinal beliefs, There are types of research that can be done from a mensiologigcal point of view such as in the case of behavioral patterns doing case studies in behavioral studies, there can be research projects that have do to with the anointing or potisiological research that investigates the "Dunamis" of the believers.  These are just a few things that can and should be done when considering instruction at a Bible College or Institute that is rooted in biblical teachings.



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