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Teachers, The Keepers of The Oracles Of God

Here at R.M.E.G. we consider it a privilege to have the opportunity to instruct our students. Teaching is more than an occupation. It is ministry and is ordained and mandated by Christ (Matt. 28:18-20). Teaching is one of the most aspects of ministry. It prepares others to operate within the perimeters of knowledge within any given system and understand the appropriate measures that should be taken while operating. In fact what Jesus considers to be teaching in the great commission is uniquely different than most concepts of those who are in the church as well as those who are in the teaching field today.

Jesus uses the term Matheteuo in this text when he tells His disciples to "go and teach..." This term is very clear on the ramifications of the mandate of teaching all nations (Ethnos). The term will basically refer to the activities of:

1. Going to find students (searching out) who are special and ready to take up the challenge of carrying the Gospel and the Word of God to all the world.

2. Enroll these pupils in an organized system of comprehensive teaching and instructional training.

3. Know what is needed to be taught according to the times and the customs of the world

4. Develop all students to be disciplined followers of the truths and concepts that are to be given. This indicates that the student must be aware of the importance of their education and of the Kingdom in general.

5. The students are to be turned into scholars who are specialists in the their areas who have a great understanding of the content that has been given to them

6. Train the students to teach and do what you have done through and for them.

7. Release them into ministry.

This is the concept of biblical teaching. It is the expansion of the boundaries of the Kingdom and of the church. The Word of God is more than mere literature from the pass. It is in all actuality the preserved mind, edicts and wisdom of God for this and all generations that are to come. It is the Word of Life and destiny that will invoke the future destinies and objectives for all believers and all mankind. Everyone that we do not reach is another that can potentially lose their eternal life with Christ.

For this reason the instructional staff at R.M.E.G. consider their most important job as it relates to teaching to be the preservation of the Oracles of God. An oracle can be the person who speaks for the gods or it can be a "Divine Pronouncement". This is the understanding that our instructional staff has concerning the Word of God. Every teacher, instructor and professor are those who possess the oracles of divine utterance of God given to man for the benefit of his eternal salvation. It is our God-given duty to protect and share these divine pronouncements with all who are sent by God. We share the Gospel to all but the wisdom of God we give to those who have taken on the task of preparing the household of faith. This is no easy task for it calls for every instructor or teacher of the scriptures to prepare others to step outside of their chosen places of passion into the fullness of all that God speaks. Some only see those things that they desire or those things that are pleasing to their humanity and yet there is so much more to be called a son and joint heir with Christ.

The End

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