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The Need For Academic Training In Apostolicity

There is much to be concerned with as it relates to the Apostolic church and the entire movement. As I begin to examine many of the young and new pastors and churches I am deeply moved to pray and address those needs within this segment of the general church body.

There is a lack of knowledge concerning the those very integral things that are a part of our core doctrine as well as administrative issues and organizational matters. Not to mention just an overall theological perspective of the text.

Because many of this century's constituents of the church have never been formally trained many leaders and those who work with ecclesiastical leadership are not fully or adequately trained to lead in this generation.

Even preaching must be understood in a different light because many people are quite informed in public speaking as well as theological matters to a degree. Our world has changed and is changing to meet the needs of those who are a part of the system that this world has developed and operates within. The very perimeters of this system are developed within a unique worldview and philosophic perspective.

this world has become much more technologically driven the church must also begin to develop those who are the constituents of the ranks of the church. There is a real need for an academic understanding of the Word of God and those doctrinal treatises and concepts that are a part of the church's documents and foundational truths. Academic information gives the students of Biblical Studies as well as Theology a greater look into the material that is the very foundation of the church's systemic structure and teachings.Because

In a time when the church is consistently being diluted by those who are anxious to become a bishop or apostle or to wear some other title. It is the financial gain that many explore ministry for. True academics will reveal the error that is being perpetuated in this hour such as individuals calling for ministers or bishops to anointing and either confirm or consecrate them into the office of a bishop or an apostles. Academic training will give the modern day minister the tools to understand the order and structure of the church as it was revealed within the scriptural and logical structures that have been a part of the church's structure for over 2,000 years.

Not only are there organizational problems there are also theological issues and those issues that have to do with biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) as well as the very exegesis of the Word of God. Many leaders are not aware of the themes, teachings and even some of the persons that are recorded in scripture or those important issues that scripture focuses on concerning these individuals. With technical knowledge at an all time low the standard of excellence is definitely becoming scarce in the church. With so many first time believers becoming leaders they are like the Children of Israel in the book of Deuteronomy. They did not experience the miracles and the instruction from the past when the boundaries and borders of the "Landmarks" still existed and individuals had a mind to serve and love the Lord. Academic studies will cause the church to flourish again as far as having those who are thoroughly capable of instructing at a high level and will also prepare the body of Christ to defend the Word of God and to protect those truths that have been given to the leader. Only a level of academia will even remotely solve the biblical illiteracy program that the church now experiences as well as the decline in attendance.

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