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The Price Of Passive Learning In The Church

The church now lives in a time of great technological and scientific discoveries. Some have been achieved by countless hours of research and examination while others have come at a price that is too horrible to consider. In the early to mid sixties humans were the test subjects for the effects of syphilis and gonorrhea. A group of black men were experimented on by the United States Government(1932 and 1972) to determine the effects of these diseases if left untreated. There is always a price to be paid for the advancement, discovery and development of great truths of knowledge as well as a price to be paid for not acquiring knowledge.

The church lives in one of the greatest times of the history of mankind. We now have much technology that can validate the existence of the creation of the universe and through even quantum theory the impossibility of a self existing universe. The closer we get to the coming of Jesus we will discover the irrefutable truths of scripture. Scientist have discovered how to bend light waves around objects and make them invisible and through their genetic splicing and genome technology have found a way to combine unique DNA to produce "chimaera-like" creatures that are combined with multiple DNA from multiple species to enhance and change the dynamics of the nature.

All of these recent developments are merely a fulfillment of scripture in one way or another. The Book of Daniel reveals that significant knowledge will increase (Dan. 12:4). In fact the prophet reveals the following:

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"

Daniel is clear that in the time of the end ( 'Eth Qets - the utmost border or the end of time) which is the time before man will step into his eternal state with Christ. Travel will become quite extensive and much more advanced and knowledge ( Da'ath -knowledge and awareness of God's plans and purposes, power etc.) will be increased (Rabah -To be brought to an abundant amount and become exceedingly enlarged.) All knowledge is the truth of God because He is Omniscient and yet science is excelling while the church still remains in an archaic understanding of her faith and legacy that has been given to her by such and awesome God.

Because we have not been attentive to learning as we should there is still much that the church has not learned concerning:

1. Faith

2. Anointing

3. Power

4. The Gospel

5. Angels

6. Healing

There are many more benefits given to the Body of Christ than those that we are aware of. Because the influx of philosophies and teachings that now are integrated within the church the minds of believers have become infested with destructive seeds of doubt and confusion. A passive approach to learning and understanding the Word of God can no longer be our modality of acquiring knowledge. The Faith of the church is being compromised and the Body of Christ is becoming weaker. It is not that the Spirit of God can ever be lessened in authority or power; however the souls of men can become so distilled with untruth that the believer can block the power and knowledge of God.

What is occuring in the Church of Christ is an inner compromise. The Word of God is the only power and substance that can be used to bring healing and grace to the believer and sinner alike. When this Word is mingled with untruth and lies it cannot achieve what God desired it to achieve. Leadership must now become aggressive in teaching and imparting the uncompromised Word of God. If our upcoming leaders and constituents are to thrive and excel they must be raised on the Word of God in its purest form. We must once again make the scriptures our daily staple and center our lives around this most precious commodity. Passive learning will yield a passive knowledge that cannot inform a people for the age in which we live.

The Price of passivity as it relates to learning and applying the Word of God will be great. Is this one of the reasons that Jesus declared,

"...Nevertheless when the son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

Our faith is impacted on what we hear. If what we hear is not in alignment with the truth of the word of God our faith will be greatly compromised. We must aggressively defend the Word of God and pray that our passion to be filled with this Word returns.

Our young have been caught up in a barrage of philosophies, concepts and worldviews. Even those who are Bishops, Pastors and Ministers are being attacked mentally as it relates to the Gospel of Jesus that is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). The next few years will be quite uncertain as it relates to society. What has been prophesied must come to pass but we are the light of the world in the earth empowered of God to keep back the darkness until the last soul that will say yes to God surrenders their heart. Paul tells us to, "...pray for kings and for all that are in a place of authority (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

The End.

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