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Why Apostolic Leaders Must Publish

Why Apostolic Leaders Must Publish

By Dr. Derrick A. Reeves

I have Observed a great disparity between those institutions that are Apostolic and those that are non- apostolic in nature. In general although the Pentecostal movement has grown and is in fact yet growing there are many problems that continue to widen the gap of education, continued success in church growth and the empowering spirituality of the members of our churches. Even the educational programs in our churches have a lot to be desired and the lack of sophistication in our administration of our educational programs are some of the major reasons that attendance is at an all time low in our teaching services or educational programs.

In many of our colleges and institutes there is a great disparity when it comes to the standard and quality of education as well as the quality of students that do attend our institutions. Because very few believers within the ranks of the Apostolic Church have attained an academic level of understanding of the text many of our students are not familiar with biblical terms, theological terms, spiritual truths and general concepts that enlighten the believer in such a manner that the practicum of what is being taught is viable for society or life as it is known today.

Many of our professors are not truly equipped to teach college level courses or courses that are challenging to the students. In fact many students when challenged at a level of performance that is equivocal to other groups feel so overwhelmed that they generally give up. Even many professors cannot endure the stress of having time constraints or time limitations placed upon them.

Here at R.M.E.G. we require that our students learn to write academic materials such as:

1. Critiques

2. Essays

3. Research Papers

4. Academic Articles

5. Journal Articles

6. Academic Textbooks

It is vital to the success of our students, our schools and our churches to have a level of demand placed upon our scholars to excel in their learning and to capture the knowledge that they have acquired by the publication of textbooks. If our schools and colleges are to compete there must be original thought that is introduced by innovative and fresh minds. professors must elaborate more upon that which has been discovered and bring forth brand new discoveries.

To have more publications we must encourage the continued research and studies of our professors and instructors. These traits must be fostered in our leaders for the sake of translating this responsibility on to the students. After all our colleges, institutes and other institutions are only as strong as the next generation that we produce.

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